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Landscape Will 2019
Flat and Dynamism 2023
Flat and Dynamism
Yet We Keep Seeking for a balance 2022
Yet, We Keep Seeking for a Balance
Element of Earth Series
Undulating Ground
Space Abstraction
Fossil of Thought(思考の化石)

Over the years, I have been confronted with the material iron and inspired by its origin and diversity. I continues to search for a form of expression that goes beyond the physical and visual presence of the work and is conscious of the impact it has on the exhibition space and the viewer. In recent years, I have been attempting to visualise questions of life through a distanced view of the relationship between material and immaterial, the analogy between micro and macro, and the distortion of value between the individual and the whole in the vastness of space and time. My works include sculpture, installation, interactive work and site-specific work. While based in Sapporo, I have numerous experiences of artist-in-residencies and exhibitions in France, Poland, Romania, Korea, Taiwan and the USA.

長年にわたり鉄という素材と向き合い、その多様性や由来に触発されてきた。作品の物理的・視覚的な存在感にとどまらず、展示空間や鑑賞者に与える影響を意識した表現を模索し続けてる。近年は、物質と非物質の関係、ミクロとマクロの類似性、広大な空間と時間の中で個人と全体の間に生じる価値の歪みなど、距離をおいた見方によって生命への問いかけの可視化を試みている。作品は、彫刻、インスタレーション、インタラ クティブ・ワーク、サイトスペシフィック・ワークなどで展開される。札幌を拠点に活動。フランス、ポーランド、ルーマニア、 韓国、台湾、アメリカなどでアーティスト・イン・レジデンスや展覧会を多数経験。

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