Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance 2022

Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance 2022
"Court Installation" is a series project to introduce installations which utilize the space in the courtyard exhibition space of the museum. As for the 18th installation, we will introduce the new work "Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance 2022" by Kawakami (1961 ~), who mainly develops artistic expression using iron.
For many years, Kawakami has faced the material of iron, and has been inspired by the variability and origin of the material. She continues to explore the effects that the exhibition brings to the space and the viewer, as well as the expression that is conscious of the place.
The work has a plate-shaped object suspended from the tip of the arm that branches in five directions from the fulcrum of the central part, which is based on the formability of "Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance" produced in 2010. Its equilibrium balance is fine-tuned by lead weights.
The scene is reminiscent of a balance-like mechanism with a saucer for the viewer. But unlike a balance that always has a binary opposition, its structure, which is branched into odd numbers like a pentagram, is extremely unbalanced.
In this work, Kawakami dared to challenge the difficult task of adjusting the weight of each plate and floating them all, but when setting it up, as expected, she was forced to make trial and error.
At the same time, by having this process as underlying idea, the "strength" of the work is increased, and at the same time, it is given the role of a "device" that encourages thinking, and it is sublimated into an expression that goes beyond mere built object.
This work, which is installed semi-outdoorly in the courtyard, brings a phenomenon of gentle motion and fluctuation to each plate due to the mixture of factors such as wind and rain. Its structure or phenomenon seems to imply the essence of modern people who try to maintain equilibrium and the modern society that surrounds them in the ever-changing world situation.
Hisato Hosoya, Curator, Tomakomai City Museum of Art
それでもなお、我々は均衡を求める 2022
「中庭展示-Court Installation」は、当館の中庭展示スペースにおいて、その空間を活用したインスタレーション(架設展示)を紹介するシリーズ企画です。第18 回目となる今回は、主として鉄を用いた芸術表現を展開する川上りえ(1961 ~ )の新作《Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance 2022》を紹介します。
2010 年制作の《Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance》の造形性を下敷きとする本作は、中央部分の支点から5方向に分岐するアームの先端にプレート状のオブジェが吊り下げられており、個々のウェイトによって均衡が保たれる仕組みとなっています。その光景は、見る者に受け皿を有する天秤のような機構を彷彿とさせますが、二項対立を常とする天秤などと異なり、五芒星のように奇数に枝わかれするその構造は、極めてアンバランスなものといえます。
本作において川上は、個々のプレートの重量を調整し、それらを全て浮遊させるという難題に敢えて挑みましたが、その設営に際しては、自身が想定していたように、試行錯誤を強いられる結果となりました。翻って、そうしたプロセスが根底にあることにより、作品としての“強度” が増すと同時に、思考を促す“装置” としての役割が附与され、単なる造作物を超えた表現へと昇華しています。
苫小牧市美術博物館 学芸員 細矢久人
Yet We Keep Seeking for a Balance 2022
- それでもなお、我々は均衡を求める 2022 -
Stainless steel
Court Installation vol.18
2022 April 29 ~ 2023 March 12
Museum link:
Tomakomai City Museum
Suehirocho 3-9-7, Tomakomai City, Hokkaido 053-0011
〒053-0011 北海道苫小牧市末広町3-9-7
電話 0144-35-2550 FAX 0144-34-0408

Special thanks to:
Hidefumi Kumagai
Kengo Onishi
Hideki Matsumoto
Leo Fujisawa
Katsuhiko Yamawaki
Hideki Nakatsu
Ryuji Murakawa
Toko Co., Ltd.