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Trace [II]


Although two kinds are with having carried out chestnut and having carried out green, in Usui
Yamanaka of Shinshu, only one kind which carried out green almost lives. It seems that it is alive
from the end time of July to the middle in September. Since it goes down to 62 to 63 degrees in
the morning and goes down to 57 to 58 degrees night, even if alive, it stops being about 70
degrees daytime, when it becomes in mid-September, but crying. That is, it will shrink from cold.
Since Yamanaka in Usui which becomes in October and which will be rich changes to cold like
early winter, it becomes impossible for Insecta to live. It is because frost gets down.
Mostly, although I put one grasshopper at a time into a basket and keep it, even if I bring back to
Tokyo, I am alive only two to 3 day. Although there is a relation shaken by train on the way, it may
be because climate is hot. Since Yamanaka in Shinshu is 77 to 78 cool degrees also in summer, it
will not match the heat of Tokyo. The difference between evening dew, damp grass, air, etc. will
not give the power of being alive at it to a grasshopper sensit ive to climate. [Naoto Iwasaki]



Consists of 13 dog figure
9 gauge steel Wire
570x350x990 ~ 760x320x1100㎜






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