Flat and Dynamism 2021

2021,09,21 Photo by Satoshi Katono

2021,10,02 Scene with water moisture on the tree after the project
Flat and Dynamism 2021
Using the trees of the forest as a campus, the project attempts to express a horizontal surface. It is also intended as a water surface that might have been there during the 4.6 billion years of time of the Earth.
The powdered chalk applied to the tree trunks is made from calcium carbonate, mainly from recycled scallop shells and eggshells, in consideration of the environment. Chalk is originally a limestone found in the strata of Western Europe and consists of fossilized circular stone algae. The project has shown the connection with the earth in prehistoric times.
The project was exhibited at the Group exhibition, Forest Garden Ikor Meets Art 2021, Tomakomai, Hokkaido